Young Researcher Meeting Morphology, Vienna, 27-29 February 2020

28.10.2019 – 1st Announcement

Dear colleagues,

we hereby announce that the Young Researcher Meeting Morphology will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 27-29 February 2020.

The meeting is a continuation of the “Graduiertenforum” of the Section Morphology of the German Zoological Society. Dressed with a new name, we intend to attract more international students and contributors for this meeting. We invite early career researchers (Master and PhD students as well as early Postdocs) to present their work in a short talk (15 + 5 min discussion) or on a poster. There will be no attendance fees, but please organize travel and stay by yourself.

Please find more information at:

We are grateful for distributing this announcement through relevant websites or sending it to interested colleagues.

Thomas Schwaha & Andy Sombke

Dr. habil. Andy Sombke
University of Vienna
Department of Integrative Zoology
Althanstrasse 14 (UZA I), 1090 Vienna, Austria

Tel: 0043 1 4277 76370




116. DZG Jahrestagung
09. – 13. 9. 2024
Universität Hohenheim

Kalender 2024