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Calender of Events 2024

including meetings from other societies.
calender 2024 

DZG Graduate Meetings and Workshops

The German Zoological Society supports Graduate Meetings and Workshops
(500 € – 1000 € / event)
Application for a grant (in German)


Annual meeetings


History of Annual Meetings more


Preview: The 117th DZG-Annual Meeting is scheduled for September 9th to 12th 2025 in Berlin.



116th Conference of the German Zoological Society
09 – 13.09.2024, University of Hohenheim

Conference organizers

Johannes Steidle and colleagues

You can find all the latest information at https://dzg-meeting.de/en/home/

 Conference poster download (.pdf ca. 1,5 Mb)



115th Conference of the German Zoological Society
04 – 08.09.2023, University of Kassel
Conference organizers
Monika Stengl and colleagues

Programm 2023
Pocket guide 2023
Abstracts 2023

Registration & Contributions | DZG Meeting (dzg-meeting.de)
Early bird discount:  until 31. Mai 2023
End of registration: 20. August 2023 (for referrers)
or 3. September 2023 (per credit card/ Paypal)
Abstract submission: until 1. Juli 2023

 conference poster download (.pdf ca. 6 Mb)



DZG 2022

114th Conference of the German Zoological Society
13 – 16.09.2022, University of Bonn / Museum Alexander Koenig

DZG2022 – Abstractband


Conference organizers
Gerhard von der Emde, Bernhard Misof, Thomas Bartolomaeus

conference poster download (.pdf ca. 1kb)



DZG 2021

The 113th conference of the German Zoological Society took place
virtuallyfrom 30.08. – 03.09.2021 statt.

Ein A heartfelt thank you for the work of the DZG section groups,
the great conference contributions, the great interest, the many positive feedbacks, as well as to the sponsors.

The presentation of the Karl Ritter von Frisch Medal 2021 to Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heinze took place as a hybrid event on a small scale in Würzburg. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Charlotte Förster and Prof. Dr. Christian Wegener, the recording can be accessed via the following link: https://video.uni-wuerzburg.de/iframe/?securecode=9f8c75a807257568ba5f8269

The opening lecture by Dr. Dieter Mahsberg on the history of zoology in Würzburg is also online: https://video.uni-wuerzburg.de/iframe/?securecode=31787359fddae34a34d7870f


DZG 2020

The presence conference in Würzburg planned for September 7 – 12, 2020 has been postponed due to corona. The new date is expected to be 30.08.2021 – 03.09.2021. During the period of the conference in 2020, there were some digitale
alternative events
, organized by the DZG section groups.




DZG 2019
September 10 – 13, 2019, University of Jena
Mehr Info





116. DZG Jahrestagung
09. – 13. 9. 2024
Universität Hohenheim

Kalender 2024